Thrifty Wedding

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Written By BruceOrange

To inspire and guide couples worldwide on their unique wedding journey.





It costs thousands of pounds to put together a wedding. It is possible to go bankrupt very soon after arranging for everything from the ceremony to the reception. Many soon-to be married couples are shocked at the high costs of planning their wedding.

Why should you let worries about wedding costs ruin your joy on the most important day of your lives as a couple? These are some of the most cost-effective ways to finance your wedding without fear of bankruptcy.

Recycle to make cash

Today’s news highlights include a couple from the United States who financed their wedding reception using recycled soda cans. They sold approximately 400,000 cans and netted $3,800 (about GBP 2,500) which they will use to treat their guests to an enjoyable reception.

You and your fiance may be able to do the same. There are many recycling centers across the country where you can recycle old stuff and get cash. You will also help the environment by recycling.

Many things can be recycled. You can start with mobile phones, which can fetch up to GBP 200 if you recycle an Apple iPhone 3G and a Nokia 6300 for just GBP 40. You can add MP3 players, digital cameras, DVD and computer game systems, clothes, and almost any other stuff you have in your basement or attic. Keep in mind that even though it may seem like trash, another person might consider it art.

There are two options when it comes to recycling old stuff. You can sell your stuff by the lot at a car boot sale. You can also sell your items online through an auction site such as eBay. Money will come in any way you choose, no matter what method.

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Rent to Save

You can now rent many accessories for your wedding, from the gown to the location of the reception. The food and drink cannot be rented as you will need to pay for them. Here’s where money from recycling comes in.

To find good rental properties, you should reach out to your friends and family. The yellow pages or the internet can be used to search for vendors who rent or sell wedding products at very affordable prices. You won’t have to compromise your budget.

Take many photos with your digital camera and then sit down for one formal portrait if you want to have a lasting memory of your wedding. You can rent the dress and buy the shoes. You can also grow flowers to make bouquets and decorations.

It is also possible to ask your guests to bring a dish for the potluck to share with you during the reception. You can still maintain your good manners if you say it correctly.

There are many ways to save money on your wedding but not sacrifice quality. You can let your imagination run wild and save a lot on your wedding while still making it memorable.