The Ultimate Checklist for Name Changes

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Written By BruceOrange

To inspire and guide couples worldwide on their unique wedding journey.





After saying “I do”, the first thing you should do is to determine what your rights are. How to legally change your surname. We break it down.

It’s not as simple as just saying “I do” to change your name after marriage. It can be complicated because of the lingo, paperwork and state-specific rules. We can help you if you are unsure how to legally change your marital name. It is important to keep in mind that this process can take weeks. Make all necessary changes quickly, including on your passport, social security card, and license. This will avoid any confusion or issues with your tax returns. These steps will simplify the process.

You can get marriage certificates from the county or town clerk.

Your marriage certificate will be your most important tool during the name-change process. Your certificate, which is not a marriage license, states that you are legally married. You can request multiple copies to send simultaneously. Most changes will require a certified copy.

You can change your name through the Social Security Administration.

Your social security number will not change. However, you’ll need a card with the married name in order to change your name. You will need your marriage certificate, a application for a social safety card, proof of citizenship, identity, and age (a passport is sufficient). Send the documents by mail or drop them off at a social service office. It’s official! Your new card has arrived. Next, update your personal documents. Notify any businesses that have your name on file.

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Update your passport.

The longest turnaround time for passports is up to six weeks. However, you can pay $60 to speed up the delivery. So apply immediately after your social security card arrives to get a new passport. A $110 fee will be required if your passport is older than one year. You will receive a new passport by mail after you send in your passport, marriage certificate, Form DS-5544, Form DS-82, or Form DS-11.

You can’t obtain a passport for the first time unless you have changed your name on your social insurance card. Plan to travel with your maiden name during your honeymoon. Danielle Tate, founder and CEO of says: “Book all your flights under your maiden name-and tell your fiance.” Your spouse-to be may get excited and put your married name on the ticket. However, most airlines will require you to repurchase a ticket if the name is different, even if you have a certificate of marriage.

Your driver’s licence.

This appointment will likely be required by the DMV. Make an appointment well in advance to avoid a long line. You will need to bring your marriage certificate, proof that you are an individual, and your vehicle registration. Double-check your state’s DMV website to verify any additional fees and documents. You can also update your voter registry while you are there.

Stop by the post office.

Mail goes where it is addressed. However, the United States Postal Service recommends notifying local post offices.

Don’t forget these entities!

Bank account: You will receive new credit cards. However, you should also request new checks. Many banks won’t honor checks bearing your old name.

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IRS: To receive your Social Security Card, your Tax Returns name must match the name on your Social Security Card.

Email: You can change the name of your domain, such as Gmail, when you send an electronic mail.

You can also find your name on any other file, such as insurance, gym memberships, social media profiles and luggage tags.