Rehearsal Dinner Speeches: Crafting the Perfect Toast for a Memorable Evening

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Written By BruceOrange

To inspire and guide couples worldwide on their unique wedding journey.





The rehearsal dinner is more than just a pre-wedding gathering—it’s the calm before the storm, a time for close friends and family to come together in a relaxed atmosphere before the big day. And, of course, one of the highlights of this event is the heartfelt, funny, and sometimes tear-inducing rehearsal dinner speeches. But how do you make sure your speech hits the right notes? Don’t worry! With a few pointers, a little practice, and the right words, your speech will leave a lasting impression.

What Are Rehearsal Dinner Speeches?

Rehearsal dinner speeches are typically short toasts given by key members of the wedding party, like the groom’s parents, the bride’s parents, siblings, or even close friends. This informal event allows people to express their love and support for the couple, sharing fond memories, inside jokes, and even words of wisdom. Unlike wedding reception speeches, which are more formal and polished, rehearsal dinner speeches have a more casual and intimate feel.

So, if you’ve been tasked with delivering one, it’s essential to strike a balance between humor, sentiment, and sincerity. The goal is to speak from the heart while making everyone feel comfortable.

How to Write a Rehearsal Dinner Speech That Stands Out

Whether you’re a seasoned public speaker or this is your first time in the spotlight, writing a rehearsal dinner speech doesn’t have to be daunting. Follow these steps to create a speech that’s both meaningful and memorable.

1. Start with a Strong Opening

You want to grab everyone’s attention from the get-go. Begin with something lighthearted, such as a funny anecdote about the couple, or express your excitement for the upcoming wedding. It’s the rehearsal dinner, after all—there’s no need to be overly formal. Something like, “Well, here we are! After months (or maybe years) of planning, the big day is finally just hours away,” can set a warm tone.

2. Make It Personal

The beauty of rehearsal dinner speeches lies in their intimacy. You’re surrounded by people who know and love the couple, so don’t be afraid to share personal stories. Did you witness a funny moment during their relationship? Maybe you’ve known the couple since they first met, or perhaps you’ve seen how they’ve grown together. Use these experiences to make your speech relatable and heartfelt.

3. Add Humor, But Keep It Classy

Everyone loves a good laugh, but make sure your jokes are in good taste. Stay away from embarrassing stories that might make the couple uncomfortable. A well-placed joke can lighten the mood and make your speech memorable. For instance, you could mention how the couple’s first date almost didn’t happen because one of them (accidentally, of course) showed up an hour late!

4. Keep It Short and Sweet

While it’s easy to get carried away reminiscing about old times, remember that brevity is key. Aim for a speech that’s about 3 to 5 minutes long. This ensures that you keep everyone’s attention without going on too long. Trust me, less is often more when it comes to speeches.

5. Conclude with a Toast

Every great speech needs a strong ending. Wrap it up with heartfelt well-wishes and a toast to the couple’s future. You could say something like, “Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and endless adventures together. To the happy couple!”

Sample Rehearsal Dinner Speech Outline

Need a little more guidance? Here’s a simple structure you can follow:


  • Greet the guests and introduce yourself.
  • Start with a lighthearted remark or anecdote about the couple.


  • Share a personal story about the couple or how you know them.
  • Highlight what makes their relationship special.
  • Add a touch of humor or a heartfelt observation.


  • Offer advice or well-wishes for their future.
  • Conclude with a toast to the couple.

Tips for Delivering Your Speech

Even the most perfectly written speech can fall flat without the right delivery. Here are some tips to ensure you shine when it’s your turn to speak.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Rehearsing your speech multiple times will help you feel more confident. Stand in front of a mirror or even record yourself to get a sense of how you’re coming across. The more comfortable you are with your speech, the more natural it will feel when you deliver it.

2. Speak Slowly and Clearly

When you’re nervous, it’s easy to rush through your words. Take a deep breath and pace yourself. Speak clearly so everyone can understand you, and don’t be afraid to pause for effect—especially after making a joke or sharing a sentimental moment.

3. Make Eye Contact

Engage with your audience by making eye contact. It helps create a connection and shows that you’re speaking from the heart. If looking at the entire crowd feels intimidating, try focusing on the couple or a few familiar faces in the room.

4. Don’t Forget to Smile

Smiling helps you relax and creates a warm, welcoming atmosphere for your speech. Plus, it’s a reminder to your audience that this is a happy occasion!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Who traditionally gives a speech at the rehearsal dinner? A: Traditionally, the groom’s parents host the rehearsal dinner and give a speech, but anyone close to the couple can say a few words. This includes siblings, best friends, and even the bride or groom.

Q: How long should a rehearsal dinner speech be? A: The ideal length for a rehearsal dinner speech is around 3 to 5 minutes. Short, sweet, and to the point!

Q: Should I use notes or speak from memory? A: It’s perfectly fine to use notes, especially if you’re nervous about forgetting your lines. Just be sure not to read your speech word for word—engage with the audience and speak from the heart.

Q: Can I include humor in my speech? A: Absolutely! Humor is a great way to make your speech memorable. Just keep it tasteful and avoid embarrassing or inappropriate jokes.


Delivering a rehearsal dinner speech is a wonderful opportunity to express your love and support for the couple as they embark on this exciting new chapter. Whether you’re the groom’s best friend or the bride’s sister, remember to keep your speech personal, lighthearted, and sincere. With a little preparation, your words will be the perfect addition to the evening’s festivities.

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